Dental Implants


Full Mouth Dental Implants in Turkey: Types, Procedure, Nearby Clinics

Having an attractive smile does have an impact on self-confidence and your social persona. Missing or crooked teeth and jawbone resorption are some common dental issues that can be overcome by dental implants. Dental implants have many advantages over conventional bridges and dentures. They are stable, last longer,  and reduce the risk of damage to the surrounding teeth. People opting for dental implants are often concerned about their cost. Getting dental implant placement is an expensive procedure, therefore we recommend Turkey for affordable full-mouth implants. It offers reliable, cheap, and transformative solutions to your dental issues. Continue reading to get insights into the costs and clinics for full-mouth dental implants in Turkey.


full mouth dental implants

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What Is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are tiny titanium screws that are surgically inserted inside the jawbone and serve as a replacement for missing teeth. A crown or dental bridge is implanted over the tooth and the whole procedure is collectively called dental implantation. It’s also a great treatment alternative to fixed prostheses in edentulous patients (people with complete loss of teeth). For such individuals, full arch dental implants (all-in-one implants) are recommended, serving as a support to fixed prostheses.

When there’s a need to replace the entire structure of tooth, dental implants work as a great option. It involves an artificial root implantation into the jawbone that creates support and a base for the replacement tooth. A typical dental implant consists of an artificial root, an implant abutment, and a denture or prosthetic tooth.

Artificial Root: It’s a screw-type titanium or ceramic structure made for implantation into the jawbone. Titanium is bio-compatible therefore it is a widely used material for artificial roots and works as a secure, non-invasive root in the implantation procedure.

Implant Abutment: It’s the connective structure between the implant and the prosthetic tooth, supporting and holding the denture. You’ll need a separate appointment for its placement and removal.

Prosthetic Tooth: It’s the visible component of a dental implant and can be created from different materials depending on the oral conditions and preferences. Zirconium and porcelain are the most commonly utilized materials for prosthetic teeth, offering a natural look for lifelong.

In the full-mouth dental implantation procedure, the entire upper or lower teeth are replaced with these components.

Kinds of Dental Implants

Dental implants are of different types that are utilized according to the patient’s need and preferences.

The placement of each type of implant has a different approach to dental restoration. Sometimes, standard mini implants are also used in the treatment as smaller variants of traditional dental implants. They are less invasive and more cost-effective solutions for some tooth replacement cases. Maxillary or upper implants are placed in the upper jawbone to support tooth restorations in the upper arch of the jawbone.


before and after dental implants

Getting Full Mouth Dental Implants in Turkey

Getting a dental implant is a lengthy treatment that can last for weeks. However, if you want to get full-mouth dental implants in Turkey, it does not necessarily demand spending the entire period over there. Placement of the jawbone is what requires healing time. The first stage is 2 to 3 days long in which the titanium implant is placed in the tooth socket. Daily activities can be resumed as soon as the titanium implant is inserted. This, however, requires another visit to the dental clinic for the placement of an implant abutment over the titanium implant which might also take 2 to 3 days.

Zeoby helps you plan a trip for dental implantation and other medical procedures with conveniences, that too on a budget. Check out our listings of the best dental clinics providing dental implantation in Antalya, Istanbul, or anywhere else in Turkey.

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Important To Know!

You’re a candidate for dental implants if you have a healthy jawbone and healthy gums, and you lie in the age group where there’ll be no further development of the jawbone.

A full-mouth dental implantation requires the replacement of teeth from both the upper and lower jaw. The teeth are replaced with four or more implants.  The number of dental implants to be placed on the jawbone varies from person to person. 

The placement of each implant takes about 1 to 2 hours. The dentists often wait for about 3 months before the final restoration

A dental bridge is the solution to tooth loss as a false tooth is filled down in place of the lost tooth by using the surrounding teeth as a base. Placing a dental bridge is more invasive and cheaper. On the contrary, dental implants are artificial teeth that are embedded in the jaw bone, are stronger, and long-lasting.

The optimum care for the newly implanted teeth requires brushing twice daily, using an antimicrobial mouthwash, flossing, quitting smoking, and having a soft diet after the procedure.

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